Are you an individual affected financially by the Coronavirus? Have you suddenly lost your job? Or a sole trader whose income has dropped or disappeared overnight?
The government have introduced a range of measures to provide a 'safety net' for you and your family. You've probably already seen the queues lining up at Centrelink for those desperate to take advantage of these payments.

Here's a summary of what you may be entitled to:
- Broader access and eligibility to certain income support payments (for example Jobseeker Payment, the Youth Allowance Jobseeker Payment and the Parenting Payment)
- A new six-month "Coronavirus supplement" of $550 per fortnight for those eligible for the above payments
- Two $750 "economic support payments" for social security, veteran and other income support recipients and eligible concession card holders
- Early access to superannuation benefits in the form of a tax free lump sum withdrawal of $10,000 before 1 July 2020 and a further $10,000 after 1 July 2020 (if certain conditions are met)
If you believe you are entitled to claim any of these benefits, I urge you to stay away from Centrelink offices and exercise the appropriate social distancing measures. While Centrelink have been inundated with enquiries, the demand will drop off over the coming days and you will be able to get through over the phone and speak to someone.